Showing posts with label Scribe's Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scribe's Life. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2020

How to Keep Writing When Life Happens

 What do you do when you've got your writing world all planned out.  Your blogging and social media boards and schedules are all laid out, outlines for all future blog posts are finished, you've even started your outline for your book project. Then all of a sudden the drama and crisis of life sets in. Being the quiet storm that I am, I just want to give the trials of life a swift kick in the "you know what", but alas, no matter how hard I kick, the realization that I have to deal with life issues sets in.

Right before Thanksgiving 2019, my mom fell. Even though she's had issues with falling as long as I've been in the world, this time I knew this was different. As a result, I moved her into our home. After the doctor visits, a hospital stay, (for observation), and turning our house over to home health nurses, physical therapist, and social workers, I was done. Oh yeah, did I mention all of the mental and emotional stress and adjustments my hubby and I had to endure? Thank God for blessing me with a prayer life. God is good!

The first couple of weeks were touch and go for all of us, but by God's grace, we made it over and have settled into somewhat of a routine. Since I'm all about self care, I carved out some time just for me. I make sure each night, once the house settles down, I have my journaling and devotional time with the Lord. My journaling usually consists of the events of the day, and pouring out all of my feelings. Getting it all out on paper is not only cathartic, but it keeps my writing juices flowing as well.

We are still taking it a day at a time. I will keep you all posted as I start back on my book projects and will continue to post content to teach, inspire, and encourage you as I encourage myself in the Lord.

 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 KJV

  • Make sure you make "God and me time" a priority
    1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
  • Try to do some writing each day to keep those juices flowing
  • Set aside time to read and expand your mind

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

New Project

Hi Guys:

Just wanted to give you peek into what I'm working on. Well, to be honest I'm working on two projects, both novel's, but this one is what I'm more focused on. He's a guy from middle class suburbia that suffers from disorders that I'm not ready to disclose as of yet, but he also has an orphan mindset. I will be doing a teach on this interesting subject and it's characteristics. Stay tuned....

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Under The Weather

This week my writing has been reduced down to my daily journaling. I have been fighting an awful sinus infection that decided it wanted to make it's home in my chest. Yuck!
As much as I love this time of year, unfortunately my body begs to differ. It loves to react and rebel to the change in the seasons.
So after using another sick day to go to the doctor (a second time), I came home with my medicinal arsenal guaranteed to kill goliath and two of his brothers. I didn't realize how tired and run down my body was until I got some extra bed rest.

I have been working on a short story that I've just got to get on my computer, so I'll be using this extra time of R&R to work on that. I'll keep you posted.

Oh yeah....I've got a question for all you writers out there: Do you plow through and work on your projects while you are sick, or do you take a day to rest and reset? Hmmm?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Scribe's Life

Welcome to my scribe's life.  I am so excited to take you on my writing journey. If you've peeped my Author Bio, you know I've written two books on the subject, forgiveness.

  Uncovering Unforgiveness exposes the cause and effects of holding grudges and resentment. It explores the spiritual, emotional, and physical damage that results when we ruminate over hurt and disappointments.

Revelations of Forgiveness is a 21 day devotional/meditation that will continue to accompany you on your journey to wholeness through forgiveness. It also includes the same therapeutic exercises that will help you pave the way to your healing.

Feel free to peruse them. Right now they are on Amazon. Thanks bunches.