Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Laughter is Like Medicine Because Joy is Your Strength

Happy children on a sunny day

A few weeks ago I went to one of our favorite restaurants to pick up an order. While I was waiting, I noticed that the chalk board where they usually list their daily specials was replaced by a familiar scripture. Nehemiah 8:10b: "For the joy of the Lord is your strength." I immediately thought of this scripture, Proverbs 17:22a, "A merry heart doeth good like medicine." 

I know we haven't had much to laugh about these days, but true laughter comes from a joyful heart, and true joy comes from God. This kind of joy is not dependent upon circumstances, but upon the report of the Lord, which is His Word.

When Was the Last Time You've Experienced Joy?

Joy is much deeper that a feeling, it's an experience that transcends your senses. It comes from deep within through having a relationship with an Eternal God who makes all things possible. That's why  it's a great benefit to walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7  When we see through the lens of faith we are moved by what God said and not what we are seeing with our natural eye. Our senses can play tricks on us and have us thinking the worst, when God has the best ready to manifest in your life. We can't conjure up a feeling of joy, but we can redirect our focus from the circumstances of life to meditate upon God's Word and build our relationship with Him.

The Virtues That Birth Joy


Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

In Paul's letter to the Philippians, he closes out with this encouragement. Basically he admonished them to have a change of mindset. I call this verse the virtues that birth joy. In order to have a change of mindset, we must redirect our focus from negative outside influences and be intentional and consistent with focusing on:





Good Report

 The best place to begin our focus is in the Word of God. It is a mind changer. It gives us a fresh new perspective on life. As you meditate on God's beautiful promises and apply it to every area of your life,  not only will you experience joy, but a renewed sense of being. If you make God's Word a daily priority your negative lens will be continuously cleansed by the Word of God. 


 Choosing Joy is Choosing Life 

 Maintaining a heart full of joy is a treasure trove of benefits. Experts have documented proof that being happy, which is a byproduct of joy maintains good health and keeps a healthy balance in your emotions and mental state. Couple that with some hearty laughter, it will release endorphins to relieve stress and elevate your mood. Here are some additional tools and strategies to manifest joy in your life.


Have a grateful heart

Smile more often, even if you don't feel like it  

Encourage someone in word or deed


Have a day out with friends

Take a break from the news and social media 

 Whether you choose one of more of these, or bring your own ideas to the table, you deserve a heart full of joy and laughter. It will change your life.