Wednesday, October 10, 2018

It's Coming....

Phillipians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God,
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Yes the holidays are coming.  To some the thought of this causes you to respond with delight at the coming prospect of pumpkin spice aroma and warm kitchens full of culinary delights.  Or you may be like me walking around with a sense of anxious dread mulling over thoughts of whom should we invite over.  Maybe we should go over a relative or close friend's house where we have a standing invite. 
Then there's the menu--should I cook the traditional fare or try something different?  Oh my, too many choices and decisions.  Just thinking about it even at this early makes makes me cringe, just a little.  Yikes! 
I'm determined to approach this holiday season with a different mindset.  As I thought about last year, I remembered having a quiet Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It was just our small group, but it was relaxing.  I've been thinking about inviting other family members, but I'm a proactive person.  I would need at least four months prayer, deep cleaning, and prep time to have true peace of mind. 
As I move forward to the holidays, I've decided to take it a day at a time, and give myself permission to relax, plan wisely, and not stress out about making sure everyone's okay and having a good time.  I will focus on being thankful and meditating on how God has blessed us and brought us through everything that worked together for our good. (see Romans 8:28)
I'm not sure what our plans are this early in the game, but I know if I keep my focus on God who made it all possible, it keeps me sane, alive, and well.
Got a question, "How will you approach the coming holidays?"